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Exploration + Discovery + Innovation + Creation

ThnkRlab is a non-profit dedicated to 
furthering our consciousness, identifying our challenges,
addressing our societal needs and advancing humanity.

RISE Scholarship: Welcome
Red Doors


Rewarding Individual Sacrifice and Excellence

What is the RISE Scholars Award?

The RISE Scholars Award is a monetary scholarship given to a graduating Big Island of Hawaii high school senior who has been accepted to a university, community college, or trade school. The award was created to recognize those individuals who have demonstrated commitment to improving the health and well-being of our island community.

Students selected for the RISE Scholars Award for 2023 will receive $1500 for the following spring semester.

Who can apply?

All Big Island of Hawaii high school seniors accepted to any institution of higher learning are welcome to apply (i.e., university, community college, or trade school). Preference will be given to those who are continuing their education in Hawaii.

What is required?

Awards are based on an individual’s merit and commitment to serving their community.

  1. Submit an essay titled “Working for Change” that describes yourself, examples of how you are working for change in your community, and how this has influenced your career goals. (500 words or less)

  2. Include a letter of recommendation from a teacher, school faculty member, or community service supervisor.

  3. Also provide your letter of acceptance from a university, community college, or trade school.

How do I apply?

All materials must be post marked or dropped in Aloha Nui’s secured mailbox by June 1, 2023. Mailbox is located by the front door at 69 Lanihuli Street, Hilo, HI 96720. The selected students will be contacted after July 1, 2023.

**Please provide your full name, phone number, email address, and graduating high school along with required materials.

RISE Scholarship: About Us
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